About Me
This is Sentenced to Writing. Here you'll find tips for taking the story in your head and putting it into words on a page.
Each post will bring you a specific type of content. Take a look at what you’ll see:
Pocket Stories: Prose shorter than 350 words to help inspire you to write or to help you push through writers block.
How to Kill Dragons: Writing lessons to develop the various skill sets that help authors be successful.
Word Thieves: Highlighting amazing material from other contributors to bring different perspectives and writing methods.
Taking Notes: Snippets of what I’m currently working on and how I’m applying skill development.
If Books Could Talk: Book recommendations and literary analysis.
Knight-Time Adventures: Follow the bedtime adventures of my children as they turn from regular hoodlums into heroic adventurers, at least once the sun goes down.
Beautiful Rhythms: Songs, Artists, Playlists. Everything musical I use to help me focus or get inspired.
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